Task Config Guide#

We currently provide the following tasks metadata options: NodeBasedTaskMetadata,NodeAnchorBasedLinkPredictionTaskMetadata,LinkBasedTaskMetadata. However, only NodeAnchorBasedLinkPredictionTaskMetadata is currently supported.

To Specify the task configuration in GiGL, you will have to specify TaskMetadata in your config.

Example of a NodeAnchorBasedLinkPredictionTaskMetadata for a graph with two edge types user-to-story story-to-user, and where the supervision edge type is story_to_user:

      - srcNodeType: user
        relation: to
        dstNodeType: story

In this example, the user_to_story edge will be used to sample supervision/positive edges for each user sample.

Example of a NodeAnchorBasedLinkPredictionTaskMetadata for a user-user graph where the supervision edge type is user_to_user:

      - srcNodeType: user
        relation: is_friends_with
        dstNodeType: user